Meraki Healing’s Mission

How Meraki Healing was Made!

Hello my lovelies,                                                           06/24/2024

I want to introduce myself, my name is Machaline (much-Kay-Lin). I am the owner of Meraki Healing LLC. I created my brand simply to help others find a way to help their bodies and mind a sense of relief with the most simple thing we do on a daily basis, that is by what we eat/drink. I am a big believer in you are what you eat, it is the foundation for our bodies, our mental, and physical health.

I used to eat quite a junk food-filled life when I was a teenager until I had my first child. I have always had broad shoulders, wide hips, and a curvy body. I couldn’t grasp why I wasn’t losing the baby weight from my pregnancy anymore like I did in the beginning. That let me down a path of research on our bodies and how your diet can effect your body in many ways. I originally new a bit about that and that’s what led me to research about that because trying multiple factors wasn’t getting any different results besides when I would change my diet. I have never liked “Diets” and I promised myself I would never go on them, if you want lasting results you need a lasting change. 

I think we all know the definition of insanity. But if not, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” Quoted by Albert Einstein.

So I decided I was going to eat a more Whole Foods diet/lifestyle because I wanted to learn what it takes to make our everyday food we eat and hat goes in them. All of those factors greatly impact our bodies. With that research I wanted to stop drinking so much coffee because I was a coffee addict. It wasn’t healthy for me to be drinking so much caffeine, and sugar everyday. That is where I turned to teas.

Tea gave me the satisfaction of making a ritual drink for myself every morning but giving my body more nutrients (naturally) than a cup of coffee can give me. Now, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t swear off coffee completely but I don’t have it that often anymore and I rarely buy a coffee from a coffee shop anymore so that I am aware of what’s going in my cup of coffee.

  • How many of you love coffee even though you are a tea drinker as well? I would love to hear from you in the comments.

Before I started my business I studied herbalism with Brianna Cherniak on her online course she recently started on NOW YOU KNOW. It was a very informative class, I learned so many techniques and herbs that help the body. One of my first attempts creating my own tea blend to help my anxiety naturally was my stress less blend. I made it specifically to be compatible with breastfeeding mamas and pregnant mamas since I had a friend going through extreme Postpartum Depression. I thought if it helped me calm down but make it to where I can still function as a mother and not slow my day down then it might help her. My friend gave it a try and it helped her immensely until she could get the extra help she needed. Then starting my sense of wanting to help others with my herbal remedies, creating Meraki Healing LLC.

Thank you for letting me share my story, I hope you all have an amazing day and more, Always and Forever!

Sincerely, Machaline🌹

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